Thank you for sharing your story

I am so glad you completed your family with another baby. Reading your blog, I realised I had never discussed this with anyone before. I had the one boy, and after a series of miscarriages I had a molar pregnancy and lost twins, years ago. My gyno didn't explain what was going on, just handed me off to the nearest clinic for a D&C, got the surgeon with the worst bedside manner ever (she spoke to her students but never even said hello to me), who carried out the procedure but no one mentioned the possibilities of cancer, just took blood test after blood test and let me work it out myself. I was lucky as my blood levels became normal fairly quickly but not in time for another baby. I did feel like a bit of a freak show for a while, and as you mentioned, people enquiring why isn't there a child number two the answer not really the thing to discuss in KMart. As it worked out my boy has been perfectly happy being a spoilt only child. Freaky thing is I am one of those that survived along side a molar pregnancy myself, my mother produced me and a tumor of sorts.

May you and your children have as happy a life as I have had with my boy.
Posted: 2021-07-06 21:31 by Kay